Contact Us

At Kontaktsource, we pride ourselves on creating an intimate and friendly environment where you can relax, enjoy yourself, and make meaningful connections. Whether you’re seeking professional networking opportunities or looking to expand your social circle, we’re here to help you build valuable relationships in a welcoming and supportive setting.


Community is the cornerstone of success; it’s about creating a space where collaboration thrives and everyone benefits.

— Marianne Halvorsen

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Get In Touch

At Kontaktsource, we pride ourselves on creating an intimate and friendly environment where you can relax, enjoy yourself, and make meaningful connections. Whether you’re seeking professional networking opportunities or looking to expand your social circle, we’re here to help you build valuable relationships in a welcoming and supportive setting.

Ready for New Opportunities?


Marianne Halvorsen
Founder | Kontaktsource

Miami, FL | USA
+1 917-943-5509